In case of defects and/or non-conformities, you shall be entitled to have the conformity of the product reinstated with repair or replacement of the same, or alternate remedies in the cases expressly foreseen by art. 130 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005.

If you have received a damaged, non-compliant, faulty or wrong product, you can claim repair and replacement or store credit of the article within 30 days from discovering the fault.

To request a refund, follow the instructions set out in the previous paragraph – “Return request” – by sending an email indicating as specific reason “Damaged, non-compliant or wrong product” and enclosing one or more images of the item in object, clearly showing the defect.

At end of the procedure, you will receive a confirmation email containing the return slip and all the instructions to proceed with the shipment.

The authorization to return the products shall, under no circumstances, infer acknowledgement of the defect or non-conformity; this aspect will be assessed once the products have been returned.

We reserve the right to reimburse the faulty item only after carrying out suitable quality checks, to verify the actual non-conformity of the returned product. If the product is found defective, we will issue the refund with a BEL VOGLIO gift card.